14.11 10.00 AM 10.00 – 14.11 7.59 PM 19.59
Moderate rain warning. Barros y Serena One-hour accumulated precipitation: 15 mm. Chubascos acompañados de tormenta y ocasionalmente granizo. Be aware, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Moderate damages to people and properties may occur, especially to those vulnerable or in exposed areas.
AEMET. Agencia Estatal de MeteorologíaDe næste 24 timer
Verdensvejret i dag
+14° 57°
+10° 50°
+8° 46°
+10° 50°
+5° 41°
+8° 46°
+8° 46°
+6° 43°
+1° 34°
+26° 79°
Varmeste og koldeste
Kende, Nigeria
+37.7° 100°
San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina
+35.8° 96°
Kpandae, Ghana
+35.6° 96°
Salina Cruz, Mexico
+32.8° 91°
Bellavista, Peru
+32° 90°
Bayanhongor, Mongoliet
-7.9° 18°
Genhe, Kina
-21.8° -7°
Arctic Village, Amerikas Forenede Stater
-24.4° -12°
Beaver Creek, Canada
-25° -13°
Verkhoyansk, Rusland
-41.7° -43°