14.11 7.00 AM 07.00 – 14.11 2.00 PM 14.00
Heavy Rain Warning - Orange Area: The Bryant and Richmond Ranges, including the Rai Valley Forecast: Expect a further 40 to 70 mm of rain. Peak rates of 10 to 15 mm/h expected this evening. Impact: Streams and rivers may rise rapidly. Surface flooding, slips, and difficult driving conditions possible. Chance of upgrading to a Red Warning: Minimal. Impact: Action: Clear your drains and gutters to prepare for heavy rain. Avoid low-lying areas and drive cautiously.
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+36.7° 98°
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+35.9° 97°
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+35.9° 97°
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+35.9° 97°
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-4.8° 23°
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-12.5° 10°
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